Day 186—Not Exactly Seedless. . .

. . .but when it’s over 100 degrees outside, who cares? To be fair, the stick-on label did warn me that there might be a few seeds in this “seedless” watermelon. I took the last hunk of watermelon out of the fridge intending to devour its sweet, crunchy, and cool refreshing flesh. I ate one sliver and found some seeds and spit them onto the plate. That’s when I remembered I hadn’t yet taken any photos today.

Upstairs I went with my plate of watermelon to my “studio,” where I used a white paper background and closed the shutters in the room so I could see how much light I could capture using long shutter speeds. I set the camera on the tripod and set the shutter speed to the “bulb” setting and used ISO 100, the lowest on my camera. I also used a small aperture because I wanted the entire plate to be in focus. I held the shutter open as I counted, then used a stop watch to time myself at various settings from 3 seconds up to 9 seconds. The best results were just over 5 seconds. I was interested to see that leaving the lens open just a few seconds produced a well-lighted photo even with such a small aperture and low ISO.

Focal Length 56mm
ISO 100
5.2 seconds

One thought on “Day 186—Not Exactly Seedless. . .

  1. Well, now that is very, very impressive! I was just reading about the bulb setting yesterday when reading about how to photograph fireworks. No clue how to do that!

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