Day 210—Strum

I’ve been thinking about guitars lately because I’m reading “Life” by Keith Richards. Amazingly, it isn’t all about sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Keith recounts (in a sort of stream of consciousness way) his early musical influences (primarily blues—The Stones started as a blues band). He explains how he discovered five-string open G guitar tuning (huh?) and how that discovery transformed the sounds his guitar made and the sounds the Stones are best known for: no 6th string on his guitar and keeping his guitar tuned to Open G. Then, this morning, the paper ran an article about a Santa Cruz company that makes artisanal guitars using vintage wood and I was intrigued by a photograph that accompanied the article, a closeup that shows the strings as they are threaded onto the guitar. Since I have two acoustical guitars, and I’ve been thinking so much about guitars, why not photograph them?

I was mostly interested in the angle and lighting of the newspaper photograph but I was unable to duplicate it. This is one of the photos I did like. I set the white balance to incandescent and fine tuned it until the photos matched the guitar color perfectly.

Focal Length 52
ISO 100
5 seconds