2016—Hidden Treasure

My tomato garden has not been thriving. I think the stretch of 105°+ temperatures that we had a week or so ago took its toll.  I have four tomato plants: two heirloom tomatoes; an old standby, Early Girl; and a cherry tomato variety new to me.  Neither heirloom has set any tomatoes and the Early Girl was the earliest plant to set tomatoes this year but they’re all still green.  The strange, unknown cherry tomato which seems to be a dwarf plant at only about 12 inches after 6 weeks, and scrawny besides,  has come through for me.  I walked out to check on the Early Girls and a tiny splash of red caught my eye on the other plant.  A single ripe tomato, about the size of a shooter marble, hanging at the very bottom of the main stem, caught a glint of sunlight through the lath.  Its presence had eluded me on previous crop examinations.  There are a couple more tomatoes on this plant.  Glory be!

I used my macro lens set a couple of inches away from the tomato and set to f/51 for as deep a depth of field as I could get.  I couldn’t get the camera in front of the red tomato because of the lath.  I used macro to emphasize the importance of this first ripe tomato in my garden.

Hidden Treasure.jpg

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