Day 211—Almost Ripe

I planted my tomatoes a full six weeks after the recommended April 15 planting date for the Sacramento area. Finally, at the end of July, when those who planted on time around here are starting to become overwhelmed by their tomato crops and are finding out who their true friends really are (that actually applies more to people who plant zucchini than tomatoes, however) a few of my Juliets (featured in their very green state on July 1 ) are starting to ripen and might find their way into a salad in the next day or two. I can’t wait for my first bacon and tomato sandwich, though. Alas, Juliets are grape tomatoes. This shot makes them seem to be four times life size but they are not really big enough for a bacon and tomato sandwich and my Brandy Boy is not exhibiting too much promise. The Patio tomato is filled with lots of smallish tomatoes but they’ll do in a pinch if they ever ripen.

I cropped this photo, made a few exposure adjustments and then discovered the vignette panel in Lightroom so I had to add a vignette to this one.

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