Day 172—And the Mystery? What’s In The Basket?

Late this afternoon, I left my Periodontist’s office in Fair Oaks, discouraged by the news that I face yet another round of root planing followed by site specific antibiotics but encouraged that Dr. Carson prescribed the antibiotic that allows me to continue to consume a glass or several of wine while the antibiotic does its thing. Sandy (my long-time dental hygienist and friend — who introduced me to “Words with Friends” a few years ago), I’ll see you next Wednesday! I can’t guarantee my sobriety.

Since it was almost 4:30 (my appointment ran well past its allotted time today) and I hadn’t yet taken my photo of the day, I drove around the corner to nearby Old Fair Oaks Village, expecting to get a few photos of the famous Fair Oaks chickens. I was delighted to find the Wednesday Farmers’ Market in full swing. Oh, happy day. Just what I needed to lift my spirits. I actually found and photographed a few chickens but what caught my eye were the colorful and beautifully woven market baskets from Ghana. I already own two and resisted buying a third but the vendor still graciously allowed me to photograph his wares and ogled my camera; he actually knew about the D800 so we had a lengthy conversation about the camera, my Plantronics wireless headphones (I was wearing them because I was expecting a phone call), and Siri, the voice that lives in my iPhone. Just give me a few minutes to wax ecstatic about my camera, or my iPhone and any worries I have disappear. To top it off, today’s challenge theme is “mystery” so I decided the contents of any one of these baskets would be a mystery.

This venue gave me the opportunity to take some photos in direct sunlight, indirect light, and facing the sun. I included one of each.

Direct Sun
Focal Length 112 mm
ISO 200
WB Auto
SOOC (Manual Mode)

Indirect Light
Focal Length 112 mm
ISO 1000
Auto WB

Focal Length 125
ISO 500
Auto WB