Day 166—Summer Fruit

It’s Thursday and that means Farmers’ Market Day in the parking lot by my gym. There were a few more farmers this morning than were set up last week so hopefully soon there will be more offerings. This morning I was happy to see the tamale lady who remembered me and my camera from last year. But I was so intent on selecting salsas and tamales that I neglected to ask her for a photo. Maybe next week! I did buy some gorgeous apricots and plan to make a luscious roasted apricot sorbet that I tried last year. It’s going to be really hot this weekend so I think that will be perfect for hot weather. And, the display of apricots, plutos, nectarines, and plums was irresistible to me and my lens.

I took just five shots this morning (close to a record low for me) and I liked two of them, one of the pluots, plums, and nectarines, and one of the apricots. I love the array of colors in the one and the intense richness of the apricots in the other.

Focal Length 50mm
Manual Mode
ISO 100
WB Fine Weather

Focal Length 50mm
Manual Mode
ISO 100
WB Fine Weather