Day 140—Bummer, Hummer

Today’s photo was both serendipity and bummer. I was out on my patio with the camera planning my photo of the day when I heard the familiar buzz of the hummingbird at the feeder. I jumped up from the chair, focused, and snapped a few pictures (serendipity) but I was too far away to get a good closeup, even with the focal length at maximum (bummer). The background for this shot is ugly fence pickets not the lovely green a few feet over that would have resulted in a lush, bokeh-filled background had I changed my position (bummer). I stayed on the patio for another half hour, standing near the feeder and checking my position to get a better background so that I’d be prepared when he flew to the feeder again. No such luck; with hummingbirds, they flit in and they flit out. So ugly fence background it is. Bummer. The settings are kind of screwy. I had the ISO set to 1000 because I had been fiddling with some photos in the shade so I’m happy that it wasn’t horribly over exposed. Serendipity. Since this photo was in acceptable focus (serendipity), I cropped it to get the closeup I was hoping to get if he had given me a second chance. I’ll keep trying.

Focal Length 200
ISO 1000

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