2017—High Nine

This little female bushtit was the only one who was brave enough to show herself when she and a few others arrived to bathe in the fountain but found me outside, lurking.  She came down to the water once, immediately returned to her branch, gave me a “high nine” (that’s how many extended wing feathers I can count) then flew off to join her shy buddies.  I can’t really tell if she has both wings raised.  Her body doesn’t look to be twisted enough for both wings to be on her right but her tail is a little askew and I think it’s odd for a bird to raise one wing unless it’s stretching.  Maybe she’s stretching?  She  immediately folded her wing(s?) after this shot but didn’t fly off.

high nine.jpg

One thought on “2017—High Nine

  1. I think right before you interrupted her, she had just finished putting on deodorant…

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