Day 356—Christmas Wish

All I want for Christmas is a convenient place to pull over on any road when I see a spectacular sight. This morning as I left for the gym about 7:30 (I just looked at the capture time for this shot and realized I forgot to “fall back” the setting on my camera) a spectacular rainbow spanned the entire sky but, alas, there was no place to pull over without getting killed. Within 3 minutes, I found a place to pull over but in that short time, everything changed; the sun, the light, the rain, the sky. The spectacular sight was gone and just a small portion of the rainbow remained visible and the intensity of it was gone as well. I added some clarity, vibrance, and saturation to bring back what the sky had looked like just a few minutes before I took this shot but if I’d been able to pull over when I noticed the sight, I would have had an SOOC shot, not a tweaked one. So Santa, are you listening?

Day 356-1