Day 354—Thank You, Costco

For today’s shot, I was inspired by last night’s Placer Camera Club theme, “food,” and I was buoyed by the knowledge that my wheels of Parmigiano Reggiano photo, taken in Parma, Italy last year, received accolades at the meeting. But most of all, because I was in desperate need of something to photograph for my blog today, I decided my humble bowl of Kirkland brand broccoli cheddar soup, purchased at Costco the other day, would make a perfect subject. I actually heated it in a sauce pan instead of the microwave to add a bit of authenticity, not that it is in any way apparent in the photograph, but I know how it was prepared, and I added a few florets of fresh broccoli on top to make it look a bit fresher. Actually, for commercially prepared soup, it’s not bad, so “Thank you, Costco” for providing my evening repast AND my photo of the day.

Day 354-99

Focal Length 70mm
ISO 100