2014—A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose

When a tiny shaft of early morning sunlight struck one of the Winsome rosebuds in my backyard, I knew I had only a precious couple of minutes to capture the light on that rose. Winsome, one of my two Ron Smith memorial roses, is a pink miniature tree rose with small flowers and a very slight bluish cast. When my friend Honora was visiting a few days ago, she gave it a much needed manicure because, as she put it when I commented on her sudden flurry of garden cleanup, “it’s what I do.” (And, I thank you, and my garden thanks you for that, Honora.) The shaft of gorgeous light was gone in less than two minutes but I did capture a few shots that show the flower emerging from the darkness into the light and I found one shot in particular that I especially liked. Then, I played with the image in Color Efex Pro 4, applying the bleached portrait filter and I loved how the filter brought out the veins and detail in the petals and leaves and softened the color a bit. When I applied the Chrome Filter in the black and white module of Perfect Effects 8 to the same shot, I got another result that I liked as well.

A rose . . .

Is a rose . . .

Is a rose.