Day 73—Another “Selfie”

My friend Melinda is helping me to get over my trepidation about photo editing and showing me how much a few simple edits can significantly improve the look of my photos. I decided to try her recommendations today. My last “selfie” (what our UK friends call a self portrait) was a post I called Warts And All. I made a couple of very rudimentary edits on that photo but nothing that really improved it much. It is dark and washed out. My editing efforts today made a much more dramatic difference. The first photo is the end result after I made a few simple edits. Despite my Daylight Savings Time ennui, I look sort of bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Well, maybe not so bushy tailed.

Focal Length 120mm
ISO 1250
Melinda’s Presets

And here is what that photo looked like SOOC – straight out of the camera, dull and drab, without much pizazz.