Day 307—If You Build It . . .

. . .will they come? Today’s challenge is public buildings. Since my gym is a public building and is attached to another public building, the City of Roseville Martha Riley Community Library and Exploration Center, and I was already there this morning, I thought I’d take a photo of the library. It is an interesting building with lots of angles and glass but I couldn’t find an angle I liked and the overcast skies made for a dismal exposure. Then I went behind the building and found a great playground with lots of color and angles but this nest box, wired to a stairway leading up to the library’s second floor, got my attention. I think this would qualify as a public building since any bird that will fit through the hole could use it (and it IS attached to a public building afterall). This exposure is a little washed out but I thought there was enough color in the photo to leave it as it came from the camera.

Focal Length 130mm
ISO 100

One thought on “Day 307—If You Build It . . .

  1. Very cool shot! And yes, that is a public birdhouse, er, building! I almost photoed the library today too, since I was there! Like your composition and focus here- good job!

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