Day 297—Green That Got Up And Went

Preoccupied with other things today, I didn’t get around to thinking about my photo until almost 3PM. I didn’t feel like going out so whatever I did had to come from around here. Once again, I checked the “Our Daily Challenge” for inspiration. “Going Green.” As I stared into space trying to think of something green that was interesting to photograph, I became aware of my companion in the room who was staring intently at me after being ignored most of the day. When I looked over at Bobo, her “greenness” struck me as an obvious choice for a photo. Then I looked at the vase of molted feathers I keep by her cage and decided that one beautiful tail feather would do the trick. This is not necessarily “going green” but “green that got up and went” . . . i.e., fell out.

I set the feather on a piece of non-reflective black velvet and used an OTT light for lighting with the camera directly over top of the feather so the depth of field would be the same over the entire feather. I changed the white balance to Sunny and the tone to a slight yellow cast to capture the exact color of the molted tail feather. Finally, I used the remote so that there would be no camera shake when I depressed the shutter release.

Focal Length 150mm
ISO 100
1 second
WB Sunny with B1G1 color adjustment

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