Day 49 Part 2 — Water, Water Everywhere . . . Part 2

Errands had me out in the ridiculous rain this afternoon. When I got back into my car after one of my errands, I noticed the car windows were covered with drops. I had my camera, so whoever was waiting for me to vacate my parking spot had to wait another ten minutes for me to finish taking drop photos. I experimented with ISO and shutter speed and got some interesting results.

I took these two shots facing the passenger window using different shutter speeds, focal lengths, and ISOs but the same aperture.

Lens at 200mm
ISO 200

Lens at 112mm
ISO 500

I find them both intriguing; the second shot is closer to the actual lighting but I like the darker one. You can see a splash on the windshield in the lower right quadrant of the second photo. And they both have a little bit of bokeh. But the bhe best part is that I took these shots in just a few minutes.

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